1899 - 1973
Class of 1986
Contributor to the Sport, Influence on the Sport
In the early 1940s Henry, who was a perfectionist in everything he did, came up with a device to provide a better way of attaching feathers or vanes to an arrow shaft. He patented this jig under the name of Professional Fletchmaster and over the years it found its way into the hands of fletchers from the layman in his little shop to the biggest manufacturers of arrows all over the world, including India, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Africa, Sweden and others.
Henry loved to travel and enjoyed teaching those of foreign nations the art of shooting a bow and arrow.
He was the first person to be awarded the American Archery Council's medal of honor.
The following is a text of Henry Bitzenburgers daily motto.
I always live for today, and today only.
I make this day as perfect as I can,
for my fun may set tonight,
and never rise again.
Notes of Interest
Developed many innovations in arrow making
Designed Bitzenburger Fletching jig
Husband of Babe Bitzenburger, Archery Hall of Fame inductee, 1976
