1888 - 1986
Class of 1988
Bowhunter, Contributor to the Sport
Known as "The Father of Wisconsin Bowhunting"

In 1934, it was Roy Case whose efforts made possible the nation's and
Wisconsin's first designated bowhunting season.
His work with broadheads also helped to establish legal broadhead standards that
were to be adapted throughout the states.
Notes of Interest
Known as “The Father of Wisconsin Bowhunting”
· Organized Wisconsin Bow Hunters Association
· First Licensed Archer to Take a Whitetail Deer, 1930
· Worked to Establish Nation’s First Bow-Only Season, 1934
· Widely Credited with Coining the Term “Bowhunter”
· Produced and Marketed Broadhead Hunting Points, 1920s to 1950s
· Helped Establish Legal Broadhead Standards Nationwide
· NFAA Compton Medal of Honor Recipient, 1948