Category A - Bowhunters
who have shown excellence in the field of bowhunting.
Category C - Bowhunters
who have shown literary or organizational excellence.
Doug Walker was among the first few
inductees into the Bowhunters Hall of Fame who were recognized not only
for Category A, for his hunting excellence, but also Category C for his
literary excellence.
Prior to the late 1940s,
what few bowhunters there were across the U.S. they could only hunt deer
with a bow during the gun seasons. But through the efforts of so few, an
archery only season was established and in 1949, Doug was one of the
very first bowhunters of record to take a buck deer. during a "Archery
Only" deer season, this was his first big game animal in California and
later he was recognized in their record book as the first and only
bowhunter to take all 13 big game species that could be taken in
1961 - Doug
along with Fred Bear was one of the first regular members of the Pope
and Young Club, also one of the Club's first Board of Directors, in
1970, Doug became a Senior member and was voted on to be Pope and
Young's Big Game Chairman.
Doug is a world class bowhunter with
hundreds of big game animals to his credit - over 50 of them are award
winning trophy class animals and are prominently listed in the record
Many awards of honor hang from the walls of
his office and den. You will see such awards of honor from the most
recognized organizations in the U.S.A. To name a few, Pope and Young
Club, Safari Club International, NFAA and from his home state, CBH/SAA,
Big Game Club.
In 2001, during
the World Archery Festival, the NFAA created the "Grand Master Society,"
their highest of Bowhunting honors. Along with three of his bowhunting
idols, Fred Bear, Ben Pearson and Glenn St. Charles, Doug was named 4th
to be listed on that Roll of Honor.
Also in 2001, Doug received his state's
most coveted award, their "Lifetime Achievement Award of Honor." Doug
was the owner and publisher, along with his wife, Betty, of the National
Bowhunter Magazine. The National Bowhunter Magazine is celebrating its
57th anniversary as a bowhunting magazine
