Granddad, The impression you left on this world is far greater than I could have ever imagined. People all over the world have expressed what you meant to them. I can't express how much you mean to me. You will continue to be the light that leads my trail. You are my north. My heart is heavy for the loss that I feel. Thank you for everything. I love you so much. Wonderful man.
Love, "your A"
Amazing woman. Thank you. I hope that in the near future I get the opportunity to meet the one that gave my granddad a reason to live for the last few years of his life. I hope that my mom, Rochelle, has gotten to tell you the significance of those red roses you received and the card attached. I can't thank you enough for the site that you have put up in my granddad's honor. 
My granddad had a knack for personalities and picking just the right people to be close to. He use to tell me how he took a class in college, it was a psychology class. He always said that it was one of the best decisions he ever made to take that class. He loved people, he loved learning about people, he was my inspiration and he knew well, as I told him every step of the way that he was the reason I got a B.A. in psychology. I lived with him during my second year in college and often had talks with him about where I should take my career path, he chose for me and I couldn't thank him enough. Although, I must say, the first time I attempted to take the psychology class that he directed me to take, I started of failing the class and dropped it within weeks of a bad start. My heart wasn't quite there yet, but he kept on me and never gave up on me. I finally decided to give psychology another try and not only did I succeed in that second psychology class, but I obtained a degree in the field. I always told him, it was his doing that I have the degree I do today. He always smiled, a particular smile that of "I told you so", accomplishment, satisfaction, loving and sweet all in one simple smile.
I will never forget that look. It's also funny, I realize how much I am like him. I have picked up so many traits, comments, mannerisms, looks, and behaviors of his. I had no idea, but every time I realize that I'm doing something he would or saying something he said, I smile. I am overwhelmed with his presences, he lives on through us.
Thank you again for everything!
Adrienne, granddad's "A"

Note from Diane: The pleasure was all mine...How fortunate I was to have known your Granddad, What a legacy he has left behind. I will remember the stories he left with me for years to come. I was the lucky one.