1906 - 1986
Class of 1980
Contributor to the Sport
Florence Lilly began her archery career in 1939. In 1945
she became Chairman of the Olympic Bowman League of the National
Archery Association. Florence handled as many as 2,000 entrants
per week over a 6 week period. This went on for over 20 years .
In the 50's and 60's she was scorekeeper for the NAA National
Championships and she was historian for the
Target Tattler until
her retirement in 1979.
Notes of Interest
Chairperson, National Archery Association Olympic Bowman
League, 1945-66
Chairperson/Scorekeeper, National Archery Association
Illinois Archery Association, 1962-78
Editor, Target Tattler, 1961-78
42 years of service to archery
Lifetime Member National Archery Assn.
The following was written by lifelong friend, Sylvia Levitt in March
of 1986
On August 9, 1980 Florence received the honor
of being inducted in to the
Archery Hall of Fame. The plaque hung on her living room wall....and
there was never
a person more proud of receiving such an award....and never a person
more deserving.
