Class of 1991
Bowhunter, Contributor to the Sport, Influence on the Sport
Pope & Young Club Founder
In the 1960s Glenn St. Charles was determined there was a need for a club, similar to the Boone and Crockett Club, which would record North American big game animals harvested with a bow. This new club would be dedicated to good conservation practices, quality hunting, and fair chase. The organization, known worldwide today was named after Dr. Saxton Pope and Arthur Young as a lasting tribute to these bowhunting pioneers.

Founding the Pope and Young Club was one of his greatest accomplishments and also one of his most difficult challenges. In the 1950s, it was obvious that in the eyes of the public bowhunting needed credibility if it was to survive. At that time, it was Karl E. Palmatier, President of the NFAA, who asked Glenn for help in making this possible.
Over 60 years later, Glenn is known as the man who almost single-handedly made the doubters believe that the bow was a viable hunting weapon.
Webster defines "legend" as something based partly on history but chiefly on popular tradition. To quote Billy Ellis, "There have never been many legends in bowhunting circles. Many aspire, but few are chosen. A person becomes a legend when the strength of his character causes a whole movement to become better and stronger until it rises to a higher philosophical plane. Glenn St. Charles has done that for his beloved sport of bowhunting.
In this century, our legends have been Ishi, Pope and Young, Fred Bear and Glenn St. Charles.
for stories and
tributes to Pope & Young founder Glenn St.Charles
Notes of Interest
Noted Bowyer and Bowhunter Whose Efforts Led to Establishing Archery-Only Seasons in the
Pacific Northwest in the 1930s
Opened Northwest Archery in 1948; Produced Custom Bows, Arrows, and Broadheads
Developed Big Game Record Keeping System as Chairman of the National Field Archery Association’s Hunting Activities Committee; Received the NFAA Compton Award of Merit, 1958
Launched the Pope and Young Club To Prove the Effectiveness of Archery Hunting Tackle and Record for Posterity Scientific Data about Bow-Killed North American Big Game
Author of Archery Classics Bows on the Little
Delta, 1997, and Billets to Bows, 1984:
Lecturer and Bowhunter for More Than 70 Years
Founder and First President of the Pope and Young Club, 1961