William Wadsworth
1917 - 1991
Class of
Bowhunter, Educator,
Influence on the Sport
The following is taken from the book
by M.R. James
The Old Bowhunter's
Bill Wadsworth Taught Us Well
As he lay dying in a New York
hospital bed in January of 1991, William H. Wadsworth, the man known as
the "Father of Bowhunter Education" wrote this sobering farewell message
to a select group of his most loyal and fervent disciples:
"Educating bowhunter's is the most
important thing we can do to assure that bowhunting has a future. I will
soon be leaving you, and I am concerned that this important work be
carried on. It is up to you, the National Bowhunter Education
Foundations Board of Directors, volunteer instructors, and everyone
associated with the sport to support our education efforts. Please pass
this on to the gang and tell them I will always be with them."
He was and he is with us. Then and now.
Notes of Interest
Known as ”The Father of Bowhunter
Founder, President, Life Member Central
New York Bowmen
Launched In-State Training Program To
Teach Bowhunting Basics, 1969
Established National Bowhunter Education
Foundation, 1979
Personally Led National and Worldwide
Bowhunter Education Efforts, Training Hundreds of Thousands To Be
Safe, Responsible, and Effective Hunters
Elected to North American Association
Hunter Education Hall of Fame, 1989
The founder of the National Bowhunter
Education Foundation (NBEF) Wadsworth was the major
influence in bowhunter education from the 1960's into the 1990's
