Larry C.
(1901 - 1961)
Class of 2001
Contributor to the Sport
Larry loved archery and bowhunting and he
promoted both with a passion.
Whether it was promoting money shoots, the
Archery Manufacturers Association or awards to deserving members
of the archery community Larry was a true visionary to the sport
of archery.
Notes of Interest
Founded the Grand American Open Tournament in
Milwaukee in
1940, Signaling the Birth of "Money Shoots"
One of the Founding Fathers of the Archery Manufacturers and
Dealers Association (AMDA), 1959. This Organization Evolved
Into What is Known Today As Archery Trade Association (ATA
The Archery Manufacturers and Dealers Association Created
the Larry C. Whiffen Memorial Award, Presented to Deserving
Members of the Archery Community.
Founded the First
Wisconsin Indoor
Championships, 1932
Co-founder of the
Wisconsin Bow Hunters
Association with AHOF Member Roy Case
