Art Young
Class of 1973
Bowhunter, Influence on the Sport
A rt Young's friendship with Dr. Saxton Pope through their mutual feelings for Ishi begin in the early 1900's.
The three men spent much time hunting together in northern California and learned much from one another. Pope and Young also hunted later throughout Yellowstone collecting grizzlies for the San Francisco Museum.
The largest bowhunting organization, founded in 1961 by Glenn St. Charles is named after both bowhunters and is known worldwide as the Pope & Young Club.
Notes of Interest
Trailblazing Pioneer Bowhunter, Friend of Saxton Pope and Ishi
Learned Archery Shooting Skills from Will “Chief” Compton
Helped Popularize Archery and Bowhunting in North America
Wrote Magazine Features and Lectured Widely on Bowhunting
First 20th Century Bowhunter To Tag Grizzly, Brown Bear, Alaskan Moose, Dall’s Sheep
Produced First Bowhunting Movie, Alaskan Adventures, in 1923
Arrowed Lions and Plains Game on 1925 African Safari with Saxton Pope


Lewis Stone holds an egg for Chester Seay, left, ART YOUNG, center and Stanley Spencer. The photo was taken during an archery demonstration before the Los Angeles Breakfast Club circa 1926. |