2010 Induction
Rochester, Minnesota
April 7, 2011
G. Fred Asbell and Will "Chief"
Compton inducted into The Archery Hall of Fame
during Pope & Young's
Anniversary Celebration
The Archery Hall of Fame’s 26th induction was held April 7th in
Rochester, Minnesota in conjunction with the Pope and Young’s 50th
Anniversary Celebration. A sell out crowd watched as G. Fred Asbell
joined his peers to become the 66th member of the Archery Hall of Fame.
Will "Chief" Compton was inducted posthumously to become the 67th Hall
of Famer.
Marv Cochran, president of the
Compton Traditional Bowhunters was the presenter for G. Fred.
Joe St.Charles was the presenter with TJ Conrads accepting for "Chief"

The evening ended with a special presentation
remembering Pope & Young Founder and Hall of Fame member, Glenn
Congratulations to this years Inductees

Hall of
Famers, Jim Dougherty, George Gardner, Len Cardinale, Ann Clark, Dr.
Dave Samuel, M. R. James, and 2010 inductee, G. Fred Asbell
Hall of Fame display at Pope & Young Museum in Chatfield, Minnesota
Hall of Fame Directors, Ann Clark and Marilyn Bentz

Dick and Carol Mauch with AHOF Director, Steve Kaufman
Len and Ian

Diane Miller "Moose"
and friend Waldo
remember Glenn St.Charles

G. Fred Asbell, Class of 2010
Inductee with wife, Teresa

Marv Cochran with Fred

Diane Miller with 2 of Glenn St. Charles'
Robin and Adrianne

Deano Farkas

M. R. James, Dwight Schuh, and Jeff Waring

Ian Fenton, Director of the
Australia Hall of Fame poses
with "Chief" Compton's bow.
Bob Esterbrook and George Gardner |